"The story begins with a man named Johan who work at a government hospital as medical assistant and is happily married to his wife Ayshash. Their life was disrupted when Johan's ex-girlfriend Anna appears and tried to win him back" ...
Sebuah citer Hantu Khurafat ... Gambar lawa format avi.. Sila join menggunakan hj split atau 7zip sebelum play (kecuali single link).. nk bljar split klik disini..
Sebuah citer Hantu Khurafat ... Gambar lawa format avi.. Sila join menggunakan hj split atau 7zip sebelum play (kecuali single link).. nk bljar split klik disini..
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Salam.. Pengumuman penting
Kepada kawan yg setia kepada technician malaya nie. Blog ini dalam pembaikan.. korang bleh pergi ke laman web baru nie. infomation tetap sama.. terima kasih..